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Para sua comodidade temos um acordo com uma empresa de transporte que fornece transporte aos nossos hóspedes (Aeroporto-Condomínio-Aeroporto) com um custo por viagem de $ 800MXN para até 8 pessoas. Você deve solicitar o serviço pelo menos 72 horas antes da chegada. PARA SOLICITAR O SERVIÇO, PREENCHA O FORMATO ABAIXO. O serviço do hotel para o aeroporto deve ser solicitado também com pelo menos 72 horas de antecedência por whatsapp: +52 998 894 9999



Mr. JORGE MANUEL MANTEROLA CARRION with RFC MACJ6906063XA and domiciled at Adolfo Prieto 125-A4, Colonia del Valle, Mexico City CDMX CP 03100, is responsible for the processing of personal data that you provide us in this format, which will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the General Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Obliged Subjects, and other regulations that may be applicable. The following personal data will be processed: Full name, Contact phone, Email, The personal data mentioned in this privacy notice will be used by the person in charge to be able to quote a reservation and send it to your email and be able to establish contact you if necessary for any details related to your reservation. The Responsible Party undertakes to ensure compliance with the Personal Data protection principles established by the LFPDPPP and its Regulations and to adopt the necessary measures for their application.

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